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Happenings around the club

Interested in getting involved or just curious about what goes on at the club? Check out more information about classes, events, and leagues below

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1st John Heller Memorial Match

Sunday September 8th 2024
First relay starts at: 8:00AM
Cost: $20.00
Our Snack bar will be open during this event
All proceeds will be donated to our Junior Rifle program.

For more information or to sign up please visit the event page HERE



NRA basic pistol classes

New to shooting or looking to get a refresher on handgun safety? This class might be for you.
Classes are Scheduling now.

This class is held in two different locations. Day 1 consists of the classroom portion and is held in Augusta, NJ. Day 2 consists of the practical portion and is located at the Franklin Revolver and Rifle Association range.

The cost is $225 or $200 for club members.

You provide your gun and ammunition. If
you don’t have one, options are provided for an extra fee

Classes taught by
Karen O’Krepk
y - NRA Certified Pistol Instructor

For more information click HERE


Combat Pistol Match

The Combat Pistol Match is
a new event we're holding
the first Saturday of every month.

Starting at 9AM there will be a safety briefing and orientation
At 10AM to 12 the match will take place.

Consisting of a slow fire round, a weak and strong hand round, and a rapid fire round, the targets will be shot from 25 yards.

$5.00 for members
$10.00 for non-members

You may use any pistol caliber that is permitted at the range
(.22 to 45. No magnums!)

For more information or contact info please click HERE



Sunday .22 Pistol
And Rifle League

On Sundays the club runs a .22 pistol league that starts at 10AM and runs to around noon. It is immediately followed up by a .22 rifle league running a similar schedule.

These leagues are run year round and cost $8 to sign up and then $4 every Sunday you attend there after until the end of the league 'season'. The weekly four dollar fee includes targets and a score sheet for each Sunday. Backer boards are sold separately at an additional cost or you can bring your own.

These leagues are open to members of all skill levels. You can shoot for competition, just for fun, or just to hone your shooting skills.

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Annual May Match

The May Match hosted once a year on the first Saturday in May is our biggest event of the year.
Shooters come from all over for some friendly competition and to enjoy the food at our world famous Snack Bar.

The Match is an all day event starting at 8am, where participants register to attend the match and shoot for competition or for fun.
Small prizes are awarded to the top shooters in each relay.

This year's match was held on
May 5th. Stay tuned for information on next year's match.

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Junior Rifle Program

FR&R Junior Rifle Program is held on Tuesday evenings in July and August for juniors age 12 and older.
This is a community service program of FR&R and the NRA. Youth receive classroom safety training and hands-on instruction with a coach.
Rifles, ammunition and equipment are supplied so it's FREE for the kids! 

For info/registration contact:
(973) 919-1175
(862) 258-5704

Whole group at the targets

Girls, Guys, & Guns

Girls, Guys & Guns is a hands-on introduction to firearms safety and basic pistol shooting provided for men and women 21 years of age and over.

Several times a year club members provide their services as coaches and instructors for these events and the NRA and Friends of NRA supply the necessary equipment therefore allowing us to offer these programs to the public free of charge.

Our next event will be July 28th. For more information click HERE here or check out our Facebook page!

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