To Franklin R&R Members,
At our monthly meeting on January 20, I informed those present of my latest endeavor. Last fall I filed an application with the NRA to be considered for the 2024 Outstanding Club Award. This award is given to the club that has demonstrated noteworthy achievement in all aspects of club operation and must meet many criteria. We had a very productive and interesting year in 2024 so I began gathering the documentation I would need and got to work. I hit a snag when I came to the question on the online application "...Provide an explanation as to why the Clubs & Associations Committee should choose your organization for the award you are applying for..." You all know I cannot answer a question in one or two sentences, so I wrote a two-page essay and attached it.
Fast forward to Friday, January 17, 2025.
I received an email from the Deputy Executive Director of General Operations informing me that Franklin Revolver & Rifle Association, Inc. has been selected as the 2024 Outstanding Club Award Winner! Take a minute and let that sink in......
We are not just the top club in Sussex County. We are not just the top club in the State of New Jersey. We are the one and only Outstanding Club in the entire United States, (including Alaska and Hawaii)!
FR&R will receive a free year of club membership in the state association, ANJRPC.
FR&R will receive a free Range Evaluation. (We paid $300 for a range evaluation about 9 years ago)
FR&R will receive a check in the amount of $1,000.00
I will be going to the upcoming NRA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia in April to accept the Award Plaque.
FYI - In the past 3 years only one club was selected and it has 2,700 members, numerous divisions, acreage and programs. This is an unbelievable achievement for our humble little club. We received the highest honor any gun club could ever hope for. I am sure our founding fathers, along with John Heller are all smiling down on us!
Enjoy your bragging rights!
Helen M. Swingle NRA Recruiter
NRA Benefactor Life Member
Franklin Revolver & Rifle Association, Inc.